House Rules

We want you to participate in the PubsCymru community. However, we ask that you follow our House Rules.

Please refrain from making comments which:

  • Are considered likely to disrupt, provoke, attack or offend others
  • Are racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive or otherwise objectionable
  • Contain swear words or other language likely to offend
  • Break the law or condone or encourage unlawful activity. This includes breach of copyright, defamation and contempt of court
  • Advertise products or services for profit or gain
  • Are seen to impersonate someone else
  • Include contact details such as phone numbers, postal or email addresses
  • Contain links to other websites which include irrelevent or illegal content, such as sites hosting spyware or viruses
  • Describe or encourage activities which could endanger the safety or well-being of others
  • Are considered to be "spam", that is posts containing the same, or similar, content posted multiple times
  • Are considered to be off-topic for the blog discussion 

We reserve the right to moderate or delete comments that fall foul of our House Rules. We also reserve the right to block users who, after receiving a warning, continue to flout our House Rules.

Finally, please follow these general guidelines to help you stay safe online:

  • Never disclose personal information, such as your address, your phone number, passwords, credit card information, birthdays, etc. We will never ask you for any personal details - either on the website or by email. We will never ask you to confirm your password
  • Use a strong password - a strong password includes a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols 
  • For more information on staying safe online, visit Get Safe Online -

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E&OE. All content on this site, unless otherwise stated, is Copyright © PubsCymru
website by euan raffel